July is National Eye Injury Prevention Month July 23 2014

July is that special time of year when eye doctors and emergency rooms very often see a massive increase in patient visits. The summer months are well known for their drier air quality which can result in larger amounts of flying debris, smaller dust particles, and higher levels of pollen which can wreak havoc on the eyes. Even a blade of grass can result in a scratched cornea, an eye infection, or permanent changes in vision.
Imagine the potential eye problems associated with factory or warehouse workers during these drier summer months. This is the time of year for employers and managers to make sure that all of your employees and staff are properly educated on the proper methods of eye safety.
- Make sure that safety goggles are always worn when appropriate.
- Replace goggles that are not in good working order.
- Make sure that the goggle’s strap attaches firm and snug to the facial area around the eyes, especially for those employees who need to wear their goggles over other corrective eyewear.
- Thoroughly review and inspect all emergency eye rinse basins to ensure that they are in proper working order.
- Make sure to place Safety Floor Signs in proper places throughout your facility to mark areas of caution.
July is Eye Injury Prevention Month. Let’s take it serious. Don’t take your vision or the vision of your employees for granted.