Successful Companies Using 5S Today September 13 2016
The 5S workplace organization system was first implemented in Japan as a way to streamline and maintain an efficient work space. The standardization process is broken down into five pillars; in English, the pillars translate to sort, straighten, shine, standardize, and sustain. Using 5S pillars will take your business to new levels of efficiency.5S is most famously implemented by Toyota in Japan, but many western companies are following their lead and have begun using the 5S system in their own work environments.
Hewlett-Packard; Cupertino, California – The Computer Systems Division of Hewlett-Packard particularly utilizes the 5S pillar of seiton, or straighten. This pillar is all about streamlining the daily processes of workers by systematically arranging necessary work space items to prevent loss of time. Hewlett-Packard uses stacked storage areas, similar to supermarket shelves, to systematically store parts needed for building systems.
Boeing; Chicago, Illinois – The airline manufacturing giant utilizes a variation of the 5S system called the Lean Production System, which adds a focus on safety in addition to the other pillars. By implementing 5S and the Lean Production System on both the factory floor and in the office, Boeing adds an element of simplicity and security to all levels of their business and ensures maximum efficiency.
Harley-Davidson Motor Company; Milwaukee, Wisconsin – More and more branches of the Harley-Davidson factories are turning to lean manufacturing in an attempt to streamline and increase overall efficiency. The Kansas City, Missouri plant began to make new moves toward 5S after being threatened with dissolution; workers were told they would be sent to the York, Pennsylvania plant if concessions in manufacturing weren't made. Ultimately, this move to systematically simplify each Harley-Davidson plant will save the company as a whole insurmountable costs in time and in safety measures.
How does utilizing the 5S system affect your overall costs and performance? Comment here, or find us on Twitter @FloorTapeStore!
(Image: Flickr/Enri Endrian)